What's one of the best things ever, you ask? This: to go out into the world and realize that the place you always rolled your eyes at, is actually a kind of cool place. Like the small Danish town Aalborg. I mean, I'm a city girl. I grew up in Copenhagen, lived in Britain (okay, it wasn't London, but I found the big city spots), lived in New York and now I'm back in Copenhagen until, well, another big city perhaps? My point is that I have a lot of demands when it comes to what I like to call the Big City Rodeo standards. So over the weekend I went to visit a friend in Aalborg and, oh me, oh my, it was actually great.
For instance they had a second hand clothing store called Det Gyldne Dådyr (look it up) that looked like something out of a very pleasant dream:
But that's not the only treats I came across. My friend (okay, let's just call her Stine from now on, since that's her name) took me to a café that goes by the name of Penny Lane, where they know how to cozy it up and serve carrot pie at the same time.
Underneath are pictures of Styggekrumpen, a place where Stine and I ventured for brunch while being STARVED and ready to eat about anything. Pretty close to Aalborg's most obnoxious street, Jomfru Ane Gade (worse than Bourbon Street, I can assure the ladies and gentlemen reading this), but don't let that discourage you. The good people at Stygekrumpen are not that flexible when it comes to vegetarian options, but oh well, the interiour is dazzling and sometimes that's all you need:

See what I mean? Aalborg isn't bad at all. In the evening you can go for a glass of wine at Cafe Nordkraft, or go catch an art film at Biffen. The latter is fantastic by the way, and walking in there Sunday night with Stine to watch a Norwegian film that didn't quite live up to our expectations, I suddenly found that I was downright jealous of this place. Gorgeous, gorgeous cinema.