Damn, I'm sorry. Life got in the way as they say, and suddenly I didn't have time for my petite blog that I therefore let down. Boo!
Now that I've started again, I want to let you in on a - in Copenhagen - wellknown fact: Copenhagen has a lot of bookstore. Most of them suck though. I mean, they really, really suck. Most of the time it seems about 90 per cent of them have no idea what they're doing and that's why it's a beautiful thing to enter a shop that does. Know what it's doing, I mean.
First of all, Thiemers Magasin in the middle of Copenhagen offers something that is almost unheard of in the literary environment of the Danish capital: readings. Readings! Let's have more! When I lived in New York, I went to readings all the time. Then I move back to Copenhagen and they're gone! Thiemers Magasin, that lovely place, know that readings belong to any truly great bookstore. Because Thiemers is truly great. They offer seats outside, you can buy tea from the counter where a woman is sitting, reading a book. But most important, they know their books. There are no stupid crime novels here. No mindless, hip authors sprawl the shelves. There a crime novels, yes. Hip authors too, yes. But they're only here if there's quality in their work, and that what I most love about Thiemers Magasin. They allow themselves to be part of the elite.
Tullinsgade 24
Copenhagen, Denmark