First of all there is Housing Works, a non-profit bookstore on Crosby Street. I love this place and even though I rarely buy any books (I always get them straight from the Strand... sorry), I love their events and the fact that most of their space is taking up by a coffee shop where playwrights sit and discuss former plays. This is the truth. I have heard so many conversations about theatre and plays here that it must be some sort of off-Broadway central. However; as stated, I also adore and admire their events. Book sales (the time they had lit mags for $2 is a personal favorite), street parties (yes, this bookstore actually knows how to par-TAY) and The Moth. That's right. They sometimes have The Moth here, and I love it.
If you seem to suddenly become confused, I will explain what The Moth is: it's a storytelling event. Some folks come on stage and tell a real-life story in five minutes. Doesn't sound like fun? Well, in New York, that's considered fun - and it is. It's the shizznat, y'all.
So this is Housing Works, but the images are from The Moth where I always have myself a great time. So there you go: today we got ourselves two lifestyle postings in one - and that is what we in the big cities call efficiency.
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