Den Sorte Diamant, translated as the Black Diamond, is quite a place. First of all it looks like a big building, where corporate companies decide on evil thing and guys in suits make capitalistic plans. Not so. This is the Copenhagen's very own culture HQ, and the only place (as far as I know) where wellknown authors get to read from their novels and have Q&A's. I know there might not be a big market for that kind of thing in a small city like Copenhagen, but that's the one thing I missed the most since moving back from big, ol' NYC. Jennifer Egan just visited, promoting A Visit from the Goon Squad, and some weeks ago Virginie Despontes was here talking about feminism (she would). But wait! This is not the only great thing going on inside. Oh no. In Den Sorte Diamant there are sometimes doors leading to bizarre and colourful room you wouldn't have expected in a place like this, or anywhere for that matter. Because this is a place of culture. Not literary culture, or musical culture or anything like that. No, this is a place for anything that brings art to the people, and that's something it'd be hard not to freaking love.
In other words: this may look like a place of pure evil, but really it's one of the best things around.
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
Copenhagen, Denmark
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