The best cinema in New York is one of many flaws. But like all lovable things, it's the flaws that makes the transition from like to love. And do I love the Angelika? Oh, goddamn yes. I love how, when I sit in the cinema, I can hear the rumbling of the trains underneath my feet, because the subway station is just around the corner. I love how you have to stand in line ten minutes before a movie starts to get your favorite seats (except if your favorite seats are no one else's favorites, like me). I love the films they show: foreign and real American indies. None of that toned-down Hollywood shit (Little Miss Sunshine, anyone?) that goes for being "indie". I love their cafe inside. I love their ceiling with the painting of the sky. I love their Louise Brooks poster.
Take Shelter is running right now by the way. Go watch it. This is not a suggestion. You have to do this. It's a Jeff Nichols film starring Michael Shannon, maybe the best actor who has ever lived. Honestly, this should be enough information. Remember how brilliant Shotgun Stories, Jeff Nichols' first film, was? What are you waiting for?
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