The filmfestival is still going strong in the capital of Copenhagen and I'm still following it. Here's some excerpts with some to come:

I don't know what it is exactly, but I think that I - out of some sort of misplaced loyalty - keep thinking that Todd Solondz is a director who still has something to say. "Welcome to the Dollhouse" was fantastic, so was "Happiness", while "Storytelling" was pretty much so-so. The rest has just been a waste of time IMO. But still I want to like his later movies, and that's why I found myself watching his newest film "Dark Horse" who had a protagonist who was so unbearably unsympathetic that I just waited for a scene without him in it. Unfortunately, that never happened. Next, please.

And, oh yes, the next one coming up was much, much better. Starting slowly, the Spanish thriller "Sleep Tight" turned corners and become a creepy, twisted experience filled with things that will make you sleep anything but tight. Loved it and the way it slowly crept underneath my skin. The film is about a concierge who sneeks into people's apartments at night. Especially the young Clara gets visits from the midnight man, but soon it isn't enough for him just to sneek peaks at her from underneath her bed. Something else much be done. As you might imagine, things get pretty dysfunctional from here.

In another world there's "Terri", an obese kid with problems. I'm sick of American indies that aren't indie at all. I'm sick of things that are CUTE and QUIRKY. Also, I don't like films that lie and tell fat kids that they can surely be friends with pretty girls and hip principals because that's not the way the world words: if there's something I love in this world it's underdogs, and if there's something I hate it's if popular kids make films about underdogs, when they have no idea about the world they portray.
Sorry for the rant. I didn't like this film.

Quality sure takes turns this time, wouldn't you say? I would. The best film however, I've seen at this year's festival is "Take this Waltz". Fantastic. It's a real look at temptation and what it means to love other people today. It was honest (unlike "Terri"), refreshing, funny, heart-breaking and poetic. I'm considering flying to Canada to ask Sarah director Sarah Polley to be my best friend because not only did she kick zombie ass in "Dawn of the Dead", hook up with Adrien Brody in "Splice", but now she also proves that she truly understands people in this, dare I say it, masterpiece that is "Take this Waltz". At the festival I heard some people complain that this film just wasn't funny enough, but I'm worried that they just didn't get it.