Ew! I know I asked for this, but you know that sometimes when you ask for things, you get them? Well, I was more than looking forward to the second installment of the "Human Centipede"-movies, but about an hour into it all I wanted to do was just get out of the cinema. However, I want to mention the following in my defence: I was probably the only person in there who had the guts to look at the screen throughout everything. There were strong men in there who couldn't stand for some of the things that this girl could. And for a horror-fan such as myself, that's a big deal. I understand if you don't see the significance of that. You have to be into films about blood and guts, I guess. Anyway, if you don't already know what "Centipede" is, it's about, well, a man who wants to create a human centipede. That's it. He's obviously pretty sick and doesn't mind cutting out people's kneecaps and stuff like that. Also, he jerks off in sandpaper. Some people like to watch that kind of thing. Unfortunately, I'm one of them.

Last film on the festival was "Snowtown" which was a completely different kind of horrorfilm. If you're familiar with the real-life Snowtown murders (also called the Body in Barrel-murders) you should def check this out. The grim lighting, the naturalistic acting and the wonderfully unpretentious way the story was told all gave way to one of the best films at the festival. It's a film that grips you slowly, slowly, slowly but then decides not to let go. Wonderful. Oh, and if you're a sucker for Australian dialect, this is for you.
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