It's day whatever of the film festival and things are looking up. What do I mean by that? Well, first of all the films are getting more interesting which leaves me with great anticipation for the next to come. Second... there is no second. The first reason ought to be enough. So anyhow, I spent the early part of my evening yesterday watching "Hard Labour", a Brazilian (Brazilian?) film about a woman who cannot make ends meet. She's opening up a grocery store, but something fishy is going on and why are there black dogs outside the shop every night, barking at her? It's social realism mixed with a slight suspence,which is never bad. Personally, I love how you can always mix different genres into social realism ("Kill List", anyone?)

Okay, second film of the day was "Un Été Brûlant" which had the laways gorgeous Louis Garrel as the male lead (not so weird since the film was made by his dad, Phillippe). I was expecting bohemian types sipping wine and talking for lengths about life, love and art. Not so. It was more like 90 minutes of watching unstabile people armwrestle each other with their minds. If you ask me, that sort of things is pretty great.
So that's all for now. Next up: Klip. That's right: a Serbian film, that isn't like "A Serbian Film" at all.
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