This world is not always a fair place. For instance: In the days I lived in New York, I would go to a place called Mars Bar. Oh, Mars Bar. The experiences I had there; making out with a hipster carrying a black bagpack, watching the bartender end up in a fistfight with a customer, people doing drugs in the bathroom, listening to some guy called Billy talking about his fucking sad Christmas. And the decor, oh, the decor. Smudge making the windows so black you couldn't see through them, dirt on the bar where people'd scratches with their knives (yes, in Mars Bar you brought knives for protection) and the bathrooms that made the bathroom scene in Trainspotting look passable. But they closed down Mars Bar because it apparently was a threat to good New York establishment.
Now, I thought this would never happen again. I'd hoped that in other places dirty dives thrived and were doing well. This is also the cases in most cities, but sometimes something happens and the best of dives has to take a, well, dive (sorry, couldn't help it). But in Dublin, the city of beer and pubs, there once was a place called Welcome Inn. Apparently it was quite a dive, and since I am always searching for a place to remind me of the good ol' Mars Bar days, I was excited about this place. I mean, another dive where you almost contracted herpes just from going to the bathroom? Count me in!
But, no. Welcome Inn was no more. It is no more. And all I have now are some pictures of a place that could've been great. Great, people. Great, I say! Now I will just have to keep searching...
Parnell Street
Dublin, Ireland