Cinnamon Cafe and Deli. I love it, and if I ever get to Dublin again I'll make sure to have my lunches there. And coffees. And scones. And teas. This is a great place for people watching, from the busy men suited up for the meeting next door to the girlfriends meeting up to gossip about whatever. From the old ladies reading a book to the handsome man by the window falling asleep over the newspaper. People from all walks of life come here, but that's not the only reason this is a delightful place. No, there are plenty more from the soft scones to the huge range on the menu. Recipe for a great afternoon: Cinnamon cafe + raspberry scones + tea + The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe. There you go. Oh, and it's right by Jameson Brewery. What more can you want?
Smithfield Market
Dublin, Ireland
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