Example 1: while there a woman comes in and orders a cup of coffee, only to be told (by the barista who was a complete sweetheart by the way, and who had a band that I should've asked the name for, so I could plug it here) that they weren't taking any credit cards that day, due to some malfunction with the Internet. Whatever, that's not the point. The point is that when the man next in line heard that the woman didn't have any money, he decided to pay for the coffee.
Example 2: the woman forgot her credit card in the confusion and everyone there, everyone, were ready to jump out the door to find her.
Example 3: now, I go to a lot of coffee shops to read and get rid of all the stress of the modern world, but still I notice the world around me. For instance, I notice how coffee shops are always a business, where people get their coffee and go about their business. But here it was as if everyone were friends the minute they walked in the door. Seriously, I think some magic were involved. But magic or not, I loved it.
So the conclusion is that I can only recommend Kaffebaren på Amager. You can sit inside, outside, in the window or on a chair. Hell, I'm pretty sure you could sit on the floor, if that's your thing.
Æblestien 2
Copenhagen, Denmark
One should add that Kaffebaren på Amager also has a nice section of vinyls, that you can listen to or buy ... also there are often really nice concerts in the basement.